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Nutrition - Health Term Glossary

Stearic Acid
Fulvic Acid
Humic Acid


Constituent of all living tissue and crucial to life as it is a component of all proteins.



A simple nonessential amino acid that supports prostate health.



When plants deposit organic matter that disrupts or kills another plant´s growth. 



Organic compounds that combine to form proteins, where both constitute the building blocks of life.  When proteins are digested or broken down, amino acids are left.  The body then uses amino acids to make specific protein sequences that the body incorporates to: 


  • A) Break down food;

  • B) Grow;

  • C) Repair body tissue;

  • D) Perform different types of body functions;

  • E) Also be used as source of energy for the body.


Twenty amino acids are needed to build the various proteins used in growth, repair and maintenance of body and are classified into three groups:


  1. Essential amino acids: cannot be made by the body and must come from diet-food.  Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Phenylamine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine, Histidine;

  2. Nonessential amino acids: Our bodies produce them, even if we do not get them from the food we eat.  Arginine, Alanine, Asparagines, Aspartic acid, Crysteine, Glutamine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine.

  3. Conditional amino acids: Usually not necessary, except in times of illness and stress.


Amino acids are also protectors of cells, alleviators of pain and generators of ecstasy.  Some amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through food.  



A natural calming and anti-epileptic agent in the brain that is manufactured from the amino acid glutamine and glucose.



Natural compounds that help shield the body from the effects of free radicals.  The chemical reactions caused by free radicals can cause damage to cells which in turn can impair the immune system and lead to degenerative diseases like heart disease and cancer.  Many researchers believe that free radicals are one of the main causes of physical aging.  


A healthy body is capable of producing a sufficient host of free radical scavengers (antioxidants) to neutralize free radical presence.



A basic amino acid that has a role in assisting wound healing, removing excess ammonia stimulating the immune function, and promoting secretion of several hormones (growth, insulin).



Narrow corridor of concentrated moisture in the atmosphere.  Also known labeled as cloud bands, water vapor surge or moisture plumes among other names.    These phenomena have a central role in the global water cycle, where any given day, atmospheric rivers account for over 90% of the global meridional (north-south) water vapor transport.



Organic compound that provides energy for the many processes that are carried on in living cells.  It is known as the "energy-carrying molecule" as it can release energy very quickly.   (See more in Krebs Cycle)



Encompasses the complete Balance Cycle and embraces that all organisms have purpose and a place. It includes the "Gaia Theory" or "Mother Earth" philosophy of organic and inorganic chemistry showing how transmutations of elements interact within soil pedogenesis.



The sum of all microbial, animal, plant life forms in a region or habitat, in a certain period.  The equivalent of flora and fauna combined.  



The distribution of living organisms within an ecosystem.



Unit of dry volume equal to 2,150.42 cubic inches (35,245.38 cubic cm).  It is used for volumes of dry commodities, not liquids, most often in agriculture.



A metallic element of the alkaline earth group (bone protector, helps nerve cells communicate, helps muscles contract, helps blood clot, appears to lower blood pressure and helps prevent colon cancer and PMS).  It has been further discovered that Calcium is absorbed by humans up until puberty.  After this point it is manufactured through enzyme reactions that are clasiffied as Biological Transmutations.  (See Biological Transmutation Spreadsheet -Calcium-)



Carbohydrates provide fuel for the body, where the most common and abundant are sugars, fibers and starches.   

We have learned and are still learning about carbohydrates.  DNA is now known to be a carbohydrate.

Foods rich in whole-grain carbohydrates are good sources of essential vitamins and minerals.  Simple sugars were once considered bad and complex carbohydrates good, but the picture is more complex and presently changing.


Simple plant sugars (glyconutrients or monosaccharides) are now known to form the very words of life at a cellular level.  They combine with fats to create glycoforms that coat virtually every cell in the body and function as cellular recognition molecules that communicate the messages a body needs to function in health.  They address the fundamental structure of the body and are the key to proper cell function.  Research on sugars and how simple plant sugars support the body´s normal functions of regeneration and repair is a very new science that is being studied.   In 1999 Dr. Gunter Blobel was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine for his work in this new field of science called "glycology".



Points on the auric body where universal energy moves into the body.  These points are associated with different meridians which come to correlate to different organ efficiencies that are reflected in specific muscle responses of resistance.



Biochemical process that bonds micronutrient metal ions (copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc and iron called chelates) to larger organic molecules called chelating agents such as amino acids.  These chelating agents are able to break the mineral chelates away from other compounds, and hold them together long enough until they deliver the metallic minerals to the location within the plant where it is needed.


Chelation occurs naturally in composting or as a grower builds humus by putting organic material back into the soil.  Microbes break down organic material creating other organic compounds that filter and form relationships with metal ions.



A metallic element that helps transport oxygen and used to make hormones.



Fat is essential to provide energy and support growth



Indigestible material that stimulates the intestines to peristalsis (involuntary contraction). Soluble fiber lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Increased soluble fiber decreases the body’s need for insulin. Insoluble fiber correlates with better protection against heart disease, softens stool effectively treating constipation, is linked with reducing risk of colon cancer, and fills the stomach reducing appetite leading to weight loss.



A crystalline amino acid that is a major metabolic sulfur source that helps maintain the structure of proteins in the body.



Seed dormancy is an evolutionary adaptation that prevents seeds from germinating during unsuitable ecological or weather conditions that would result in low probability of plant survival.   Dormant seeds do not germinate in a calculated period of time but rather under certain environmental factors over long periods different from what usually happens in non-dormant seeds.    The importance in seed dormancy is that the delayal of germination prevents simultaneous germination of all seeds at one point in time and therefore, disperses risk of the specie´s survival.  This mechanism also protects some seeds and seedlings from suffering damage or dying out during short periods of bad weather, seasonal herbivores or when competition from other plants for light and water may be less intense. 



Is a natural process where the dormancy of a seed is broken so the germination will occur predictably.   INSTAGrowth G.E.M. processing is a smart primed seed as moisture content can be manipulated for specific germination or planting conditions.  (watch G.E.M. seed sprouting video). These seeds normally require  higher internal moisture content to continue germination and when done correctly can initiate radicle emergence in minutes.   Planting drought hardened seeds can also be used to ensure that germination under light rain conditions does not occur and the seed requires heavy moisture conditions or rain for long periods to saturate soils thereby guaranteeing survival. There are several stages of drought hardening that can be programmed into a seed.  Seeds can be conditioned  to have more cold tolerance; concentrate energy on root development, up to five times more extensive; or have a timed emergence for weed competition; shorter growing seasons; or avoidance of insect or pathogen life cycles.  However, when the seed´s moisture content is manipulated, it is a management tool, to control germination and a plant life cycle allowing germination under light rain conditions, dry weather or being coordinated for reducing irrigation costs for ideal growth.



Complete analysis of the Balance Sheet factors which determine optimal growth including atmospheric, geologic, hydraulic and biotic cycles within the taxonomic soil structure in a region.



Chemical communication of each organ-cell with the intestine communicating the required nutrients.  Further, it is the communication of the intestine to the subconscious brain which triggers likes and dislikes of consumed food.  Going deeper it explains the basic effects of subluxation.  The reason different muscles relax or contract causing vertebrae and chakras to come out of alignment.



The different climatic, soil or biological factors which impede growth.



Catalysts of most biochemical reactions in the living cell, also called metabolism.  Build up of new tissue, replacement of old tissue, conservation of food to energy, disposal of waste materials and reproduction are all results of chemical and physical change which goes on continually in living organisms.  Catalysis (acceleration of chemical reaction) makes possible these biochemical reactions, and these would be too slow without enzymes as catalysts.   (More details at Biological Transmutations)



Essential to provide energy, support growth and immobilize toxins.  It is the most concentrated source of energy available to the body.  After the age of two, the body only requires small amounts while we often overdo fats to excess.  Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are more desirable and may actually lower your blood cholesterol, but total calories from all four kinds of fats should not exceed 20 to 25% of total calorie intake.



Over seventy fatty acids have been discovered in nature. They are important for a wide array of cell structure components and for many chemical reactions in the body including energy and hormonal activities.



Free radicals are produced naturally in the body and are linked to aging and to different types of diseases.  Free radicals are types of atoms in our bodies that have their outer shell (orbits) without their full electron capacity.  If their outer shells are not full, they will bond with other atoms with extra electrons to complete these outer shells; these types of atoms are known as free radicals and react quickly with other substances.


When oxygen molecules split into single atoms that have unpaired electrons, they become unstable free radicals that seek other atoms or molecules to bond to.  This continuous process is called oxidative stress which can damage the body´s cells that will lead to a range of diseases and cause symptoms of aging.


Lifestyle factors can accelerate free radical production in our bodies such as:  Exposure to toxic chemicals such as pesticides and pollution, smoking, alcohol and fried foods.  These lifestyle factors have been linked to diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular problems.



Is an assessment term to describe the tendency of a soil to break into smaller pieces and evaluate how well these components are held together.  In agriculture, "friable soil" is soil that has the crumbly texture, pH balanced, has a balanced aerobic/moisture ratios, is ideal for drainage and micro/macro activity that is  key to successful plant root development. 



Fulvic acid is a precursor of the "Humate" or "Humic Substance" which is a naturally occurring organic compound found in soils, compost, and marine sediments and it is formed through geochemical and biological reactions.  As an active chemical compound, it helps the body absorb and use other nutrients such as probiotics, phytonutrients, fatty acids and minerals better, additionally improving how cells use elements such as antioxidants and electrolytes.  By improving gut health and therefore immune functions, many consider it as a nutrient booster.



Is a term that describes the inhibition of growth and reproduction of microbes without destroying them.



These are the Atmospheric, Geologic, Hydrological and Biological Cycles.  More information can be found in Capturing Carbon and Fighting Global Warming.



An organism´s range of survival due to environmental stress factors.



An amino acid that is the most common excitatory (stimulating) neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.



An antioxidant found in plants, animals, fungi and some bacteria.  Glutathione is capable of preventing damage to important cellular components caused by free radicals, peroxides and heavy metals.  It is produced by the liver and involved in many body processes.  It is involved in tissue building and repair, making chemicals and proteins needed in the body and the immune system function.  This amino acid is necessary in the repair of the intestine and its largest natural source is in barley.



Gluten is broken down into two categories:  1. Good gluten Amyl pectings and Amylin.  2. Bad Gluten only broken down by glutenase.  Each is a long chain carbohydrate molecule that is used to store energy in a seed. 



A sweet crystalline amino acid obtained essentially by hydrolysis of proteins. It is present in considerable amounts in the prostate fluid and may play a role in maintenance of the health of the prostate.



A semi-essential amino acid that is a precursor of histamine – a compound released by the immune system cells during an allergic reaction.



Humates (from Humus) or Humic substances are made from decomposition of plant matter that are further broken down into humic acid and fulvic acids.  They are vvvery beneficial and vital for human, animal and soil health and are attributed to the tilth or workability of soil. 



Humic acid is a "Humate" or "Humic Substance" which is the product of the right combination of decomposition of plant matter over a long period of time by microorganisms with certain geological conditions such as pressure and temperature.  They are beneficial because they contain high amounts of minerals that help nutrients in foods become more available for the body.  This is done through oxidation which gives humic acids a negative charge and in turn, attracts positive micronutrient ions like calcium and iron making them "bioavailable".  It is actually not acidic but rather highly alkaline and this is important because it makes it more water soluble and more available for the organism.  Acts as an intermediate form to transfer nutrients or immobilize toxins through an elaborate system of electron exchange and transmutations.  Different concentrations and types determine the microbe populations and the Eco-system for plants and evitabely animals.



The organic portion of soil, brown or black in color, consisting of partially decayed plant and animal matter, that provides nutrients to plants and increases the ability of soil to retain water.  The term is not entirely synonymous with humic substances, although it is often used as a synonym.



A soil less environment whereby nutrients in a dissolved form are irrigated into the root zone of plants.



A metallic element (important for production of hemoglobin – the part of the red cell that carries oxygen).  Note the difference between chlorophyll and hemoglobin (HERE).



An essential amino acid isometric with leucine that plays a role in the maintenance of muscle tissue and preservation of glycogens stored in the muscles. It prevents muscle breakdown during exercise.



This cycle explains the electron transfer of ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) to ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).  This cycle accounts for 40% of the energy that a human body uses in a day.   (Krebs Cycle diagram)



An essential amino acid that plays a role in the maintenance of muscle tissue and preservation of glycogens stored in the muscles. It prevents muscle break down during exercise.



An unsaturated fatty acid essential for nutrition. Omega – 6 fatty acids are derived from linoleic acid.



Various substances with proteins and carbohydrates constitute the principal structural components of living cells.



Foods where enzyme activity is equal to growing living plants.



An essential amino acid needed for growth and to help maintain nitrogen balance. It helps the body absorb and conserve calcium.



Substances we need to eat regularly in fairly large quantities.  The three major classes essential to all living organisms are:



For human nutrition, macronutrient requirements are in gram quantities daily.



A metallic element (maintains bones, helps muscles relax).  Is manufactured through transmutations of Sodium 23 and Hydrogen 1.  There are three ions of Magnesium.  Magnesium 24 combines with Oxygen 16 to form Calcium 40 through transmutations due to enzymes.  (Transmutation Diagram)



A metallic element (works with enzymes to help with many cell processes).



Life sustaining chemical reactions in organisms.  The three main purposes of metabolism are: 1) Conversion of energy in food to energy that can be used the body to run cellular processes, 2) Conversion of food into building blocks for proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and some carbohydrates, 3) Elimination of metabolic wastes.   These reactions allow organisms to grow, reproduce, maintain structure and respond to their environments.  Metabolism can refer to the sum of all reactions that occur in living organisms such as digestion and the transport of substances into and between cells, in which case it is called intermediary metabolism.   The metabolic system of a particular organism determines which substances it will find nutritious or poisonous.



A sulfur-containing essential amino acid supplies sulfur and other compounds required by the body for normal metabolism and growth. It helps the liver process fats.



Microbes that live in an organism consisting of Prebiotics and Probiotics.



Essential substances (Vitamins and Minerals) needed in small amounts, in specific ratios determined by organism species, to balance multiple physiological functions to maintain the specie´s health.   Humans and other animals require different ratios of vitamins and dietary minerals and this is also true with plants requiring different specific mineral ratios.  Each dependent on Eco-system environment and specie.


For human nutrition, micronutrient requirements are in amounts generally less than 100 milligrams per day.


MINERALS   (Micronutrient)

Minerals consist of only 3% of the body weight and represent what has been extracted from the soil through the plants and animals one consumes.  It is needed for body fluids, blood, bones, healthy nerves and to regulate muscle tone and performance.

They are incorporated in enzymes, enabling the body to perform its functions, including energy production, growth and healing.  (More info. on Krebs Cycle and Biological Transmutations (PDF) and Biological Transmutations and applications by Louis Kervran)


All enzyme activities involve minerals to some degree or another and therefore are essential for proper processing of vitamins and other nutrients.  The human body must maintain its proper balance which depends on having the proper quantities to establish optimal ratios of the different minerals.  Optimization is determined by the rule of the least of these elements.  The minerals for humans and other animals include 13 elements that originate from the Earth´s soil in an ionic form which is plant based.  An imbalance can begin a chain reaction of further imbalances which leads to illness.

Supplemental minerals should always be taken in balanced amounts.



Carbohydrates provide fuel for the body, where the most common and abundant are sugars, fibers and starches.   

We have learned and are still learning about carbohydrates.  DNA is now known to be a carbohydrate.

Foods rich in whole-grain carbohydrates are good sources of essential vitamins and minerals.  Simple sugars were once considered bad and complex carbohydrates good, but the picture is more complex and presently changing.


Simple plant sugars (glyconutrients or monosaccharides) are now known to form the very words of life at a celullar level.  They combine with fats to create glycoforms that coat virtually every cell in the body and function as cellular recognition molecules that communicate the messages a body needs to function in health.  They address the fundamental structure of the body and are the key to proper cell function.  Research on sugars and how simple plant sugars support the body´s normal functions of regeneration and repair is a very new science that is being studied.   In 1999 Dr. Gunter Blobel was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine for his work in this new field of science called "glycology".



Substances used by an organism to survive, grow and reproduce.  Nutrients are absorbed during the process of digestion and then transported by the blood to be delivered to the cells for metabolic purposes. The used material or waste is excreted by cells in a reverse flow to be filtered by the kidneys or skin to create non cellular structures such as hair, scales or feathers.  The lungs function is to absorb oxygen to oxidize nutrients for energy and released the burnt fuel, carbon dioxide, back into the atmosphere.  Some nutrients can be converted to smaller molecules in the process of releasing energy, such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.



A monounsaturated fatty acid. Omega-6 fatty acids are derived from oleic acid.



In the world surrounding us, there is a continuous exchange of electrons between substances in the air, earth, water and within our bodies called ion exchange.  These substances are permanently trying to reach a state of stability for which:


  • If a substance is lacking electrons, they will seek them wherever they can and they are referred to as oxidizing agents;

  • Contrarily, if a substance has a surplus of electrons and are able to donate extra electrons, they are referred to as REDUCING agents, or ANTI-OXIDIZING agents.


Oxidation Reduction Potential or ORP is a measurement that indicates the degree to which a substance is capable of reducing the oxidation of another substance.   The higher the anti-oxidizing potential (ability to donate extra electrons), the higher capacity to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals on the body or oxidation; hence the oxidation REDUCTION potential.  (More info. at How we Rot and Rust)



A saturated fatty acid.



Describes the different soil forming processes within five major soil groups.  Soils take about four thousand years to stabilize into a taxonomic defined group.



Plant that lives more than two years, going from one year to the next through vegetative reproduction (bulbs, tubers, rhizomes) rather than seeding.  Annuals on the other hand, produce seeds as the next generation and die.  



An essential amino acid that is converted to tyrosine, a phenolic amino acid that is a precursor of several important substances (e.g. epinephrine – a basic hormone also called adrenaline that is the principal blood-pressure raising hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla and is used as a heart stimulant, vasoconstrictor controlling hemorrhages of the skin and a muscle relaxant in bronchial asthma) Phenylalanine appears to elevate mood and also appears to influence certain chemicals in the brain that relate to pain sensations.



Plant based estrogens that are among many antioxidants that cancel out the effects of harmful free radicals which cause disease and aging in our bodies.



  • Phytonutrients are elements which serve within mechanisms to protect health by:

  • Serving as antioxidants;

  • Enhacing immune response;

  • Enhancing cell to cell communication;

  • Altering estrogen metabolism; 

  • Converting vitamin A (beta-carotene to vitamin A);

  • Repairing DNA damage caused by smoking and other toxic exposures and to detoxify carcinogens.


Example of phytonutrients are: 


  • Carotenoids (red, orange, yellow pigments found in plants);

  • Flavonoids (including isoflavones); 

  • Inositol phosphates, lignans (phytoestrogens); 

  • Isothiocyanates & indoles; 

  • Phenols & cyclic compounds; 

  • Saponins, sulfides & thiols and terpenes.



A metallic element of the alkali metal group (an electrolyte that maintains the body’s fluid levels, helps regulate blood pressure and heart function and can be transmutated from Sodium (Na 23).  (Read more about Biological Transmutations)  In plants, it opens and closes stomata and increases winter hardiness in perennials.



Prebiotics are live beneficial bacteria that create a fungistatic state that promote the growth of probiotic bacteria that are inhibited by the non beneficial microbiota in the gut.  Prebiotics create an Eco-system which allows the probiotic bacteria to multiply, which in turn produce nutrients that are otherwise unavailable  Ultimately, leading to an efficient healthier digestive system. 


PRIMING (Seed priming)

Seed priming is a procedure where the germination process is regulated by the management of moisture and temperature, which brings the seed close to the germination point before suspending it.    It resists drought or inconsistent moisture conditions yet enables an individual lot of seeds to germinate rapidly under wet conditions.  Growth regulators are changed so the seeding concentrates first on root development creating a drought hardened plant.



Probiotics are several groups of live beneficial bacteria and/or yeasts that live in a healthy intestine.  A simbiotic relationship is developed with the body where the probiotics produce valuable nutrients from the otherwise waste food that is eaten. 



An amino acid that can be synthesized from glutamate.


PROTEIN   (Macronutrient)

Essential for our growth (including bone growth in children) and is needed to manufacture hormones, antibodies, enzymes and tissues such as muscles.  The body initially breaks down protein into amino acids during digestion and then uses these building blocks to grow.  Some types of proteins are mainly found in grains, legumes and leafy green vegetables.



Are crystalline compounds. Common salt consists of Sodium Chloride fortified with iodine.  Natural salts consists of many elemental combinations such as Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride etc.  Most beneficial salts are unrefined and mined from the earth like Himalayan salt or sea salts which have been completely precipitated.  Natural salts are most beneficial and are essential in the diet and life of humans and animals.  One of natural salt´s major functions is to regulate blood volume and pressure.


SDG (Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside)

A phytonutrient dietary compound found, in the highest level, in the flax seed coat or called flax lignans.  It has strong antioxidant activity, it is cardio protective, and has effects like tumor reduction and hormone related cancer risk reduction.  It is converted through the intestinal microflora into mammalian lignans Enterodiol and Enterolactone, and have shown to act as nutraceutical agents against diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart diseases.  (Further reading on Flax Lignans)



An essential amino acid that occurs especially as a structural part of many proteins.



Section of grass-covered surface soil held together by roots; turf.



An element of the alkali metal group (helps fluid balance, helps acid-base balance, helps transmitting of nerve impulses).  Element transmutes into Mg 24 and K 39.  (refer to Biological Transmutations)



Lifting, turning and loosening of soil with a shovel in gardening and farming.



A tasteless, fluffy white powder that is insoluble in cold water, alcohol and other solvents.  Starch is a polysaccharide made up of 1,4 linkages between glucose monomers.  This polysaccharide is produced by most green plants for energy storage.  Worldwide, it is the most common carbohydrate in human diets, and is contained in large amounts in staple foods like wheat, potatoes, maie, rice and cassava.



A crystalline fatty acid.



It is called the most important antioxidant enzyme that is synthesized and found in all living cells within the body and plants.  It works to speed up chemical reactions in the body and plays a major role in reducing oxidative stress due to free radical cellular damage.  Research has found a correlation between the deficiency of this enzyme and a number of pathogens in humans and animals.  Aging is also a result of a natural decrease in this antioxidant.  S.O.D. supplements may be beneficial for conditions like chronic inflammation, neurodegenerative disease and hypertension, however, verification indicates minimal or non existent levels compared to N.S.P. products.  It acts as a primary defense mechanism, in both plants and animals against infection.



An essential amino acid.



Preparation of soil by: 

  • Mechanical agitation methods such as digging, stirring, ploughing, rototilling and overturning;

  • Human power methods such as shoveling, picking, and raking.​



The physical condition of a soil to its granular structure when worked with the respect to the fitness for the growth of plants.



An essential amino acid that is one of the building blocks of plant and animal proteins. It also plays a role in the maintenance of muscle tissue and preservation of glycogens stored in the muscles. It prevents muscle breakdown during exercise.


VITAMINS   (Micronutrient)

Are organic compounds that contribute to good health by regulating the metabolism and assisting the biological processes that release energy from digested foods.  Vitamins also work with enzymes to help catalyze the chemical reactions that continually occur in the body.  They are considered non toxic, however, high amounts of Vitamin "A" can produce toxic symptoms when consumed in large amounts.  Minimizing Vitamin "A" inputs relieves toxic symptoms.


Vitamins generally cannot be manufactured by the body in humans and must be obtained through diet or supplements.  Excetion is Vitamin D synthesis in humans from sunlight which is dependent upon the amount of melatonin in the skin.  Vitamin D is supplemented in different foods aove the 49 th paralell.


Water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins can be found in whole grain cereals and seed oils.

They are required in microgram or milligram amounts daily.



Zeolite is a unique porous mineral that forms when volcanic lava meets seawater in its natural version.  Due to its porosity and charge, it has the ability to absorb toxins, heavy metals and free radicals acting as an oral chelating agent which the body can eliminate easily.  Overall, it boosts the immune system, balances the body´s pH and creates an eEco-system where malicious cells cannot grow.



A metallic element  and essential micronutrient for humans and animals, strengthening the immune system and reproduction.  It does so by helping sperm development and is needed for ovulation and fertilization.


Nitrogen (ADIN)
Amino butyric acid
Crude fat
Crude Fiber
Fatty Acids
Glutamatic Acid
Linoleic Acd
Amino Acids
Free Radical
Humate - Humic Substance
Oleic acid
Krebs Cycle
Live Foods
Non structred carbo
Palmitic Acid
Eicosanoid Metabolism
Atmospheric River
Balanced system
Biotic activity
Bushel weight
Drought hardening
Environmental Stress factors
General Environmental cycles
Genetic range
Perennial plants

© 2024 by Breakthru Technology 


BREAKTHRU TECHNOLOGY and its affiliate companies, directors, officials, shareholders,  employees and affiliated distributors are not medical doctors and do not provide medical advice for the products discussed herein.  For medical advice, please consult your medical practitioner.  Further, these products or the above mentioned participants do not intend to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.


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